Beneath / Suspicion
‘Beneath / Suspicion'
Materials: Pallet wood, nightlights, white sheets, kiln-burned pine tar, wax, muslin, bedspring, incense
Variable Dimensions; Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
All Images courtesy of Gordon Pellegrinetti
A fully-immersive installation in which the viewer is invited to experience from both inside and outside the physical structure. The architecture embodies an oneiric escape tunnel of an ambiguous psychogeographical locale. The participant moves through the confined tunnel space in a supine position, laying upon a wooden ‘creeper’ cart. The outward appearance (of the system) suggests a strange, nearly anthropomorphic oddity or contraption with serpentine tunnel, vertical and horizontal protuberances, quasi-periscopic extensions, and surrounded by tall scale-model POW guard towers. The intended viewer experience is one of continuous disorientation, multi-sensory immersion, and spatial uncertainty. Themes of subterranea, evasion, surveillance, sleep, dream, and the unconscious weave throughout all aspects of the work. A continuous audio loop plays a distorted excerpt from the classic film ‘The Great Escape’ in which a POW Camp escape tunnel is methodically planned listing site locations, tunnel specifications, and subdivision of labor assignments. The overall aesthetic vocabulary of the work conveyed an austere, utilitarian, and quasi-militaristic sensibility.
Beneath / Suspicion
Excerpts from the Notebook of T.D.H. Castle-Tunnel Master 2nd Class
Tunnel Manifesto
The Tunnel is a feat of Subversive Engineering
It is an open act of Rebellion in Defiance of a Monolithic Enemy
Outwardly it dons a peculiar yet unassuming presence; meanwhile its Interior is rife with Diligent Agency directed toward a Desperate Bid for the Forest of Freedom
It is a design of Audacious Construction achieved through Remorseless Guile focused upon a single aim
The Tunnel is a means by which Escape is facilitated-yet it is filled with reminders of what Is being fled
The Tunnel is an Ephemeral Entity-It cannot be dwelled-in permanently for it then becomes a Catacomb
Despite Crushing Odds against its survival by the Ever-Vigilant Foe It must maintain its Noble Trajectory
The Tunnel Is Lined with Intention and Padded with Vigor
So It Is that the Artist/Excavator must Burrow Her/His way to Liberation from the constraints of Both External & Internal Ever-Vigilant, Tireless
Societal Super-Egos
To Evade Oppressive Forces, the Artist/ Burrower must don an unassuming façade & perform the Expected Rites- but all the while daily toiling in the subterranean trenches that lead to Liberation
The Tunnel System is traversed by Kindred
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Overall Panoramic View
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Canopy Bed Entrance
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Viewer Orientation Detail
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Tunnel View
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Interior Detail w/ Viewer & Cart
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Mark J. Snyder
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Church Aisle Vignette
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Fleshy Vortex Vignette
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Camp 104 Vignette
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Periscope #1
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Periscope #1 Vignette-Floorburst
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Tunnels' End
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Exit Structure
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail Showing Viewer Emergence
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.
‘Beneath / Suspicion' Detail at Exterior Guard Tower
Wood framing, oak pallet wood, drapery, nightlights, kiln-burned pine tar, incense, muslin. glass view lenses, fiberglas insulation, audio track.
Tunnel Portion- 3’W x 2’-8”H x approx. 120’L
Image credits: Gordon Pellegrinetti.